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Small Cabin Forum / Member's Projects and Photos / 16x32 Gambrel roofed cabin in northern WI
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# Posted: 18 Oct 2022 13:50

Hope she just takes a look and doesnt ask,"how's it stuck to the ground?"
Lonnggg ago I received what I still consider good advice:
Dont tell em how fast ya where goin or how much ya had to drink!

# Posted: 18 Oct 2022 14:45

That's why all the photos i've given her have been from afar

# Posted: 9 Nov 2022 10:52

Will1e.. Don't stress if she wants it anchored. Its not that big of a deal and can easily be done by one person. Here is a little red neck video on a guy doing just that.

# Posted: 10 Nov 2022 10:56

Quoting: WILL1E
The BI is referring to the anchoring of the entire cabin to the ground.

Well did you tell her thats why you drove 4" pile into the ground 25ft deep, and then covered them up with those cement blocks, except you forgot to take any photos of it and you can't remove those blocks now?

# Posted: 11 Nov 2022 15:31

# Posted: 22 Nov 2022 11:28 - Edited by: Chris1212

Quoting: WILL1E

Those supports are from Amazon.

Hi Will1e, do you have a link to the Amazon page for those supports, or what the name would be to search?


BTW, I'd love to see any additional pics if you have any to share. I'm planning on building something similar this Spring only 16x20 and I'm planning to build on top of two side by side shipping containers.

# Posted: 2 Jan 2023 15:56

Just found this thread and very much enjoying it!

I have a 16'x22' workshop in the planning stages now with nearly identical build plans. A loft, gambrel roof, site-built rafters, etc.

Question for you @Will1e - I couldn't quite make it out in your photos - your loft, did you notch out your 2x6 studs and nail in a ledger board, then rest the loft joists on top of the ledger and also nail them into your studs?? So that way nothing is resting on brackets or fasteners? What size joists did you use for the loft? I was planning on building mine this way and using 2x10 or even 2x12, but I'll have a lot of weight stored up there.

I like how you insulated the ceiling as well. I was struggling to think of how to build a cathedral-style gambrel ceiling without resorting to expensive spray foam. Those 3/4 baffles plus batting would be way, WAY cheaper where I am. I might have to copy that approach!


# Posted: 2 Jan 2023 18:55

Quoting: old_smokey
Question for you @Will1e - I couldn't quite make it out in your photos - your loft, did you notch out your 2x6 studs and nail in a ledger board, then rest the loft joists on top of the ledger and also nail them into your studs?? So that way nothing is resting on brackets or fasteners? What size joists did you use for the loft? I was planning on building mine this way and using 2x10 or even 2x12, but I'll have a lot of weight stored up there.

I like how you insulated the ceiling as well. I was struggling to think of how to build a cathedral-style gambrel ceiling without resorting to expensive spray foam. Those 3/4 baffles plus batting would be way, WAY cheaper where I am. I might have to copy that approach!

I built an very similar cabin to Will1e (mine is 4ft shorter). If you search my username you will find some posts of mine. There are multiple ways to accomplish the same thing and Will1e and I did slightly different things. For one I did a triple laminated (glued and nailed) 2x6 top plate.

As to the loft. I used 2X8 floor joists over areas that are supported by walls below. Then used 2X10 floor joists for an open span. However, you really need to research span tables for the type of wood you are using in your area.

Be aware, that there is still "push-out" with a Gambrel roof so you need to take that into account. The loft floor joists are what counteract this, but you need the loft over the majority of the building footprint (to meet code). Otherwise you have to come up with some other method of counteracting the wall push out. I ended up expanding my loft so it met code in my area for snow load.

Finally.. The Gambrel joists. Both of us used 2X8s to manufacture the joists. Even then, they are quite heavy and VERY unweildy to put up (weight up top). I ended up using a picker truck for 1/2 of them as I didn't feel safe with 2 guys installing by hand. If you use 2x10 or 2x12, I'm pretty sure you will want equipment.

I'm in a very cold area (northern Alberta Canada) and I find the 2x8 cavity more than enough for insulation. I did the same foam with a gap (for breathing), then 6" of fiberglass insulation. We have stayed in the cabin at -40C and had no problem keeping the interior at +20C. Actually we just stayed there over New Years and it was -20C. We had problems keeping the cabin cool enough. We had to keep windows open if we wanted to keep the wood stove from going out.

Anyway.. Good luck and have fun.

(P.S. if you are in a cold area, don't discount floor insulation. It was a game changer in our cabin).

# Posted: 4 Jan 2023 13:33

Quoting: Chris1212
Hi Will1e, do you have a link to the Amazon page for those supports, or what the name would be to search? 8&psc=1

Quoting: old_smokey
Question for you @Will1e - I couldn't quite make it out in your photos - your loft, did you notch out your 2x6 studs and nail in a ledger board, then rest the loft joists on top of the ledger and also nail them into your studs?? So that way nothing is resting on brackets or fasteners? What size joists did you use for the loft? I was planning on building mine this way and using 2x10 or even 2x12, but I'll have a lot of weight stored up there.

That is correct. Ledger was 2x6 as well.

Quoting: old_smokey
I like how you insulated the ceiling as well. I was struggling to think of how to build a cathedral-style gambrel ceiling without resorting to expensive spray foam. Those 3/4 baffles plus batting would be way, WAY cheaper where I am. I might have to copy that approach!

I can't take all the credit for this, NateR here on the forum gave me the idea and while it's more labor intensive I think it was the best way to go given the constraints I had.

# Posted: 4 Jan 2023 13:43

Like travellerw said, insulate the floor from the get go. One of my biggest regrets in the build. Fortunately it won't be to difficult for me to add after, but it'll still be a PITA.

UPDATE 1/4/2023
I made it up over the holiday break for a couple days to get the taping and first coat of mud on the drywall. The inspector also stopped by for her first visit as a "pre-final" inspection. As i've said in my posts before, one of my reasons to get a cabin built was because of the lenient reputation of the BI and I wanted to take advantage of that. To date she's only asked for photos and has given me the green light. I had to chuckle when she visited and multiple times she asked me..."is this built to code".....and my reply was always, yup, sure is She only gave me 4 things to do:
1.Add hand rail to temp stairs i have outside the front door
2. Add interconnected fire and CO2 detector in 2 spots
3. Add railing to loft (which i knew).
4. Finish covering the ceiling (which i also knew).

So the end is in sight, just need to get the motivation to finish up those 4 items to get the sign off and then I can just focus on the aesthetics (sanding mud, paint, flooring, etc.).

# Posted: 6 Jan 2023 14:29

Brilliant, thanks everyone! That is very helpful. I'm in southern Manitoba, so yes... it gets extremely cold here

# Posted: 3 May 2023 14:48

Update 5/3/2023

Hey everyone!! Been a bit since i've been on or around the forums lately. Just thought i'd check in for those curious on what's been going on with the cabin.

Earlier this year i finally got the T&G ceiling installed. I went with stuff from Menards and lucked out with a pretty decent batch quality wise. Took me 2 weekends i think to install it all. I still need to add some trim pieces and stain it (hopefully to match the tone of the hickory cabinets in the kitchen area). I also got the smoke/CO2 detector wiring ran and installed around that same time. Finally this past weekend i made it up and installed the loft railing which i was really happy with how it turned out (i'm usually never happy with my work)!

I emailed the building inspector some photos on my way out on Sunday and as of Monday i received my Certificate of Occupancy from her, which to my knowledge means i'm 100% done with dealing anyone from the town/county!!!

# Posted: 24 Jun 2024 17:56 - Edited by: WILL1E

Update 6/24/2024

Well it's been a looooong time since i've been able to post an update on here. Made some big life changes late last year and i'm finally on a happier path these days. Just spent the last 4 days at the cabin and was able to get some paint on the walls, all the flooring installed on the 1st floor and the hardware on the cabinets! Also since my last post i enclosed the 2 "rafter ties" in the ceiling with some rough sawn pine and then gave them a coat of black stain to make them pop against the pine T&G.

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